Permanent availability of exchange between “learning work" and "usual work” through Education Conditioned Income Programs Concatenated with Unconditioned Income Programs as an Efficient Way to Universalize Work and Income and achieve a harmonious and productive socioeconomic system worldwide.
New possibilities with personalized learning and technologies to assure fair assessment.
The most fundamental socioeconomic problem is lack of work and
income guarantee for everyone ever. The comprehensive solution to this problem
is a socioeconomic program where a participant, without work and income in the
usual market, can chose to enroll in educational activities as an apprentice or
student, through self-education, distance learning or in face-to-face classes,
and be paid for this arduous work of self-transformation. This will increase
human capital available to enhance overall progress. Since “learning work” is
always available, in terms of construction of knowledge and abilities, all
adults will have access to work and income. Quick and efficient transit from
the educational income program to the usual work market and back to the program
is crucial.
on such programs follow.
Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) and classic Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs should function in an integrated manner, with a requirement for those over 21 years of age to work either to raise their educational level performing “learning work” or inserting themselves in the “usual work” market, as employee or entrepreneur, to earn an income. A Universal Basic Income (UBI), advocated by organizations such as Basic Income Earth Network and Basic Income Guarantee for the United States
, is a program that does not condition income
to work. An Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI), on the other hand,
conditions income to work as an apprentice or student in a self-education
activity, distance learning or face-to-face education. This system removes
criticism of income without work and add a special meaning to people involved,
because they will be producers of a precious asset, human capital, where the
personal growth in cultural and intellectual terms will also result in labor
qualification of the participants.
a future world, where AI, robots and service optimization software resources
will provide most usual work, Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI)
programs seem a promising way to go, since admitting a mostly idle humanity,
without seeking broader horizons in the work of expanding knowledge, arts and
culture and hence construct talents , by study and research ,seems undesirable.
Our Program
proposes a classic Universal Basic Income (UBI), up to 21 years of age, and an
Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI), for those over 21 years of age.
For persons over
21 years of age who are unable to participate in educational income programs
and the usual labor market because they must dedicate themselves to domestic
work and / or raising children, or for health and other reasons, the right
to a universal basic income must be guaranteed , certainly, without suppressing
existing specific support they already have.
EUBI participants unable to attain an adequate “school achievement” from their “learning
work” and fail to insert in the usual work market should always have right
to the basic UBI.
Crucial points of this type of
program involving (UBI) and (EUBI) are:
1)Individualized payment, including minors from birth on, to ensure
a lifelong economic citizenship to all. Non-minors will have to work, producing
human capital, to benefit from these programs, hence the educational
aspect. Frequency of payments at least monthly. Of course, for
children, parents or legal guardians will exercise the administration of
2) Courses and disciplines admitted must be from the elementary to
advanced level, of a general nature, as well as technical and practical.
Literacy courses in letters, numbers and informatics are crucial. Thus,
interested with the most diverse cultural and intellectual bases may
participate, from the illiterate to the postgraduate, facing lack of work and
The verification of an adequate minimum performance in the learning work is
imperative, at least under normal circumstances. The involvement in this work
of verifying the learning performance of the participants of the EUBI programs
must necessarily count on already existing educational institutions (Schools,
Colleges, Universities). Exams applied in the traditional way are adequate, but
specialized and independent teams for this specific task are necessary. In a
world with a lack of work, an expansion of jobs around educational
activities seems adequate.
Eventually participants in the program could
rise to millions, and machine-assisted verification may be necessary. A tool
for this learning performance verification could be fraud proof cabins to apply
the tests. These fraud-proof cabins seem technically feasible. These cabins can
also be useful in schools, colleges, and universities, to evaluate the
effectiveness of teaching and learning. Additionally, to get control over
Distance Learning Courses that lead to diplomas that endow individuals to
exercise a profession. This problem of diplomas without substance is an ongoing
problem and can be of high socioeconomic cost. Quality of assessment and online anti-cheat systems are becoming available and may be of great significance in implementing EUBI programs:
Cabins can be continuously
available and take away from the teacher the burden of stress, including
pressures related to the application of exams, now linked directly to an
individual financial advantage. This type of technological resource that may
seem reckless, nonetheless, may be an effective tool for educational progress. This
could be especially valid to ascertain the quality of distance learning courses
and the work other educational institutions deliver.
In time, the level of demand for these assessments should be light rather than heavy but nevertheless maintain an unwavering minimum level of
demand. Circumstances may require adjustments and even for periods dismiss assessments.
The era of individualized learning, which is highly efficient,
is beginning with technological and AI support, and hopefully will spread
worldwide soon. If it has a remarkably high efficiency this lowers the
assessment problem and adds a lot to EUBI programs implementation.
Differentiated pay for levels of the program with higher degrees of difficulty,
as a stimulus to the cultural and intellectual progress of the participants.
Levels of gain, however differentiated, must be suitably modest, so as not to
discourage the continuous exchange with the usual labor market, be economically
feasible and politically defensible.
Mechanisms that permanently, continually, and adequately serve the transit
between the education income program (EUBI) and the usual labor market are
crucial. Program participants may choose non-educational work for varied
reasons, since study activities can engender high stress and require resilience
(they involve a continuous self-restructuring) or because aims at higher income,
or both. If the situation of lack of work and income returns, a rapid
reinsertion in the program (EUBI) must continually be available.
Social segments and crucial problems that will benefit .
1) All
members of society, since work and income guarantee will be permanently in
place for all people, solving the great challenge to achieve a harmonious
social life, with less fear, anxiety, and interpersonal violence.
Migrants and refugees: Programs without a counterpart requirement and
those conditioned-on participation in educational processes, referred to above,
could be important tools in refugee assistance in host countries and in
territories in countries of their origin or in third countries agreed upon,
established, and safeguarded, by the United Nations (UN).
3) The
rising criminality rate and high criminal recidivism would benefit from income
and work universalization programs, for the benefit of all of us, by the
reduction of interpersonal violence, in good measure generated by stress for
survival. Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) programs for
the inmate population are feasible since costs and other aspects are much
lower than those that involve usual work.
Stimulate the Economy is a challenge, important in crises like that of COVID19;
episodic transfers of resources to the population are less efficient than are
perennial transfers, such as those provided by Universal Income programs. In a
crisis, without work and income, people will keep all resources they can, but
if an income, even if modest, is permanent, the resources received will
circulate in the economic system.
5) An
Educational Universal Basic Income (EUBI) concatenated with an Unconditional
Universal Basic Income (UBI), will produce a socioeconomic structure, where the
pathological extremes of poverty and extremely low income versus extremely
high income and richness concentration will attenuate. Such a society can still
give rise to great economic heterogeneity; there will still be poor and rich;
but extremes of misery and poverty linked to scarcity of work and income
and devaluation of the work provided will decrease.
6)We believe that
universalization of work and income, with strong stimulus to the continuous
increase of the overall educational level, is fundamental to the meaning and
purpose of human civilization.
Nowadays numerous UBI pilot programs are ongoing,
and others concluded, appointing benefits in an extensive list of socioeconomic
and associated aspects, to the lives of participants and to the societies they
belong to.
Promising effects of UBI observed from numerous studies.Table by Scott
Santens , renowned activist and scholar.
Evaldo Reischl.
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